On-Site Magazine

John Deere updates JDLink platform to better connect fleet managers

By On-Site Staff   



John Deere Construction and Forestry is enhancing its JDLink telematics platform to help ensure customers are better connected with everything their equipment is doing.

The latest updates to the software platform include enhancements to the Notification Center. The system will now alert fleet managers when a machine records a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) or there is an upcoming scheduled maintenance interval. The alert also has an override if managers want to ignore certain DTCs.

The recently-added Machine Analyzer tool also lets fleet managers view and compare equipment utilization across their fleet and to see which machines are idling and which machines are working.

“Machine technology, specifically connectivity, continues to create new opportunities for fleet managers to maximize their equipment and revolutionize everyday tasks,” Ana Mallia, product marketing manager for JDLink, said in a release. “Our goal is to utilize technological advancements to provide users with the most reliable, sustainable and cost-efficient solutions possible.”

Along with adding functions to the Notification Center, the latest update also tweaks JDLink Mobile, which lets contractors quickly view information, such as machine hours of operation, alerts, and equipment location.


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